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Looking west. Remuera Railway Station and signal box in Market Road, June 1986.
Looking west. Remuera Railway Station and signal box in Market Road, June 1986.

The Remuera Railway Station is a “place of special and outstanding historical and cultural heritage significance and value”.

The Remuera Railway Station Preservation Trust (TRRSPT) was set up in 1994 to preserve the heritage and integrity of the historic Remuera Railway Station. By 1994 the Station buildings had sunk into a state of neglect and disrepair, covered in graffiti, with broken glass, peeling paint, water leaks and vandalism, and considered for demolition.

Remuera Railway Station January 1985. Photograph by Andrew Surgenor –
Remuera Railway Station January 1991. Photograph by Andrew Surgenor –
Remuera Railway Station January 1988. Photograph by Andrew Surgenor –

A Conservation Plan was prepared in 1992, commissioned by New Zealand Rail Ltd and carried out by Dave Pearson of Works Consultancy Services.
An updated Conservation Plan by Burgess Treep + Knight Architects Ltd, prepared for the Remuera Railway Station Preservation Trust and Remuera Heritage, was completed in December 2015 (view Conservation Plan here).

Remuera Railway Station 2009.

Supported by grants, sponsors and volunteers the Trust undertook major restoration work on the exterior of the Station buildings. In acknowledgement of this the railway station was granted a restoration award in 2007 by the Rail Heritage Trust of New Zealand.

Exterior of Remuera Railway Station 2014.
Restored Station Buildings 2014.
Restored Station Buildings 2014.

The interior, however, has not been repaired or restored. The interior was further damaged in 2011 when the platform was lifted and extended in preparation for electric trains, by Auckland Transport /KiwiRail.

The station building and the signal box are not currently in use. TRRSPT’s objective is to restore and maintain both the exterior and interior of both structures to a high heritage standard, including the artifacts inside the railway buildings, and to promote a purposeful use for the buildings such as a museum focused on the history of Auckland Railways. The TRRSPT aims to raise funds for this purpose and create a community complex benefiting Remuera residents and the wider community.

The Remuera Railway Station is owned by KiwiRail and the land is owned by the Crown. The current occupier is Auckland Transport (AT), under the territorial authority of Auckland Council. AT have a lease over the station and signal box for 67 years and 4 months expiring 31 Dec 2070, and are responsible for the external and internal upkeep.

Remuera Station Open Day 25 September 2016. AM 593 stands under the restored building in a contrast between the old and new. The platforms and building were raised before the Rugby World Cup in 2011 – prior to that work, the station building was fenced off to the public.

TRRSPT’s Restoration Goal: "To restore the interior in line with conservation plan for community use, eg. meetings and displays on local railways, stations, trains, model railways, rail memorabilia."

Can you help?

We are actively seeking new trustees, ‘friends’, volunteers and sponsors to build a new community of support around the Station.